22nd of February 2016

Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry in Paris MoU has raised awareness

PSCO’s in the Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU regions have performed a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry from 1 September through 30 November 2015.

In general the results of the CIC indicate that the subject of Enclosed Space Entry is taken seriously by the industry. The CIC did not lead to an increase in the rate of detentions however  the actual compliance, shown in drills, could be better. 7.9% of drills were found to be unsatisfactory.

“A satisfactory result regarding the detention percentage, but work to be done”, says Secretary General Richard Schiferli. “Both industry and PSCOs should continue to pay attention to Enclosed Space Entry.”  The effort should be directed especially on the training of the crew and the correct execution of drills.

Preliminary results on Enclosed Space Entry for the Paris MoU show that 3776 inspections have been performed using the CIC questionnaire. Of those inspections 54 detentions have CIC topic related deficiencies. The total number of detentions in the 3-month period was 160.

The detention percentage for the CIC period is similar to the average annual percentage. A satisfactory level of compliance was shown and the time invested was well spent to raise awareness of enclosed space entry procedures and check compliance on an important topic where lives can be at stake.

Further analysis will be done on the inspection results to see whether there are any recommendations that could be made to industry, flag States or MoUs. Results of the detailed analysis will be discussed at the annual Committee meeting in May 2016 and the Committee will decide whether or not to publish the results of the CIC.